Hey All,
Here in the United States, today we remember all the people that have died fighting for our country. People who had such tremendous commitment that they literally gave their life to the cause.
So many of us spend years agonizing over “what do I do with my life.” Building a career, and work life balance. How do I live the best life? For most of us the biggest risks we will ever take will be a career choice, a big move, a new job, buying a house, who we marry. Rattling all of those off, they are not even risks. Every one of them is an opportunity. What a blessing. We whine about the cost of living, when the cost to live like this was thousands of others lives.
The incredible freedom that we have, to worry about which opportunity will work out the best, was enabled by those that gave literally everything they had, even when sometimes it was not their choice.
Today we remember those people and thank them. And tomorrow hopefully we remember how incredibly light our loads are because of them. They took a bullet for us. Now back to work.